Powerful and Healthy Benefits of Water & Why I Drink a LOT
Dear friends,
We are in strange times in June of 2020. My heart goes out to everyone affected by ALL that’s been going on the last several months.
In today’s healthy lifestyle tip, I wanted to go simple. We all need simple things we can do right now to help keep our minds, emotions, and bodies healthy and strong.
Let’s talk about one of the simplest tools to keep us healthy: water.
Most of us have heard that “we need to drink more water”, but do we really understand why that is and what in the world is so important about this clear liquid?
For some reason, water is one of the hardest habits for most of us to engage in. Most people have less than half of the FDA requirement for daily water intake. Less than half. And the FDA gives us a minimum requirement. What does that do to our systems over time to be dehydrated on a regular basis?
One of the main reasons why water is even more difficult than simply a habit change is that we have too many other “fun” options out there that excite our tastebuds to the point of making water feel, well, bland. If you’ve ever read the book, “The Pleasure Trap”, by Dr. Douglas Lisle & Alan Goldhamer you’d understand that the more stimulus we have, the more our senses are dulled. However, the good news is that the same principle can be applied in reverse: the less false stimulus we have, the more we can truly experience the bursting flavors and life contained in what we now would call “simple” foods such as water, fruits, and vegetables.
As I mentioned above, I’m a big believer that if you can start with “why” you need to do something, it’s much easier to engage with the process and the journey then if you were to just try to force yourself to do it.
So, why is it important to drink water?
Did you know that your body, your cells, your brain, your muscles, your skeleton, your blood, and all that’s in your body is made up of mostly water. Just like your car needs gas AND oil in the engine to run properly, your body needs water and nutrition. And just like your car, you have to refill regularly. But our bodies need water refills much more often than our cars.
Without proper hydration, the chemical reactions in your body will malfunction or slow down. You can eat well, sleep well, and many other healthy living practices, but without enough water running through your system regularly, your body will not function properly.
Bodybuilders are so aware of this that they literally carry around with them a 1 gallon jug of water that they sip on each day! That’s dedication. But they also have a proper understanding of their why: they know that if they want to recover well post-exercise, build muscle, have energy, and get the physique they long for, they need plenty of hydration to do so.
My friends and coaching clients all know this from me. The first “protocol” I always mention is water:
- Do you have a headache? “How much water have you had today?”
- Are you feeling hungry? “Have you had enough water?”
- Do you feel sluggish or have brain fog? “What’s your water intake been like?”
- Do you have an ailment that just won’t go away? “How much water do you take in?”
- Is your body stalling in weight loss or health improvement? “How much water are you taking in each day?”
It’s not that water is “magic”, or the answer to everything. It’s simply a powerful place to start.
Start here and you’ll be amazed at how many health improvements you’ll see, how much better you’ll feel, and even how your emotions will even out.
A lack of hydration can affect your energy levels, your ability to stabilize your weight, your body’s ability to heal itself, your hunger levels, your immune system, your ability to build muscle, your ability to detox and flush out toxins, and much more.
Are you beginning to see how important water is? Even as I write this, I’m being reminded to take a sip of my water bottle that is sitting next to me. Yum! I always have a water bottle with me everywhere I go. And when I don’t, I don’t drink any water. It’s pretty funny to say something as simple as that, but this is the reality: if it’s not in front of us, we won’t do it. You also don’t want to over hydrate all at once by trying to chug a gallon of water at once. That can actually hurt your body and flush out your liver and kidneys. You want to sip on your water all throughout the day to keep your body hydrated. The simple way to do that is to have a water bottle on hand.
There are a whole host of other reasons why water is beneficial to your health. I could write an entire book on those alone.
To get you inspired, check out 15 awesome reasons to drink more water:
Now, if those aren’t enough reasons to increase your water intake, then perhaps your own experience will help the most. A lot of times, we have to “see it to believe it”, so we learn the what, we learn the why, and then we experience it and it becomes solidified.
Getting started with your own water habit:
- Write out how you currently feel.
- Write out why increasing your water intake is important to you personally.
- Grab a water bottle you love that you can refill and carry with you (links below)
- Track your current water intake status for 1 week.
- Slowly add 8 ounces until you are at 64 ounces.
- Note how you feel.
- Increase slowly little by little until you’re between 72-96 ounces.
- Note how you feel.
- Remind yourself of your “why” and your transformation regularly to keep yourself encouraged and on track.
BPA Free “Time Marked” Water Bottles:
- 32 oz (great for times when you’re more on the go)
https://www.amazon.com/Giotto-Leakproof-Drinking-Throughout-Enthusiasts-Light/dp/B07ZNKMD2H/ - 1 gallon (perfect for times where you’ll be home, OR when you are really struggling to get enough water in. With this one, you just drink one bottle)
Going Deeper:
- Adan A. (2012). Cognitive performance and dehydration [Abstract].
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22855911 - Armstrong LE, et al. (2012). Mild dehydration affects mood in healthy young women. DOI:
10.3945/jn.111.142000 - Boschmann M, et al. (2003). Water-induced thermogenesis. DOI:
10.1210/jc.2003-030780 - Functions of water in the body. (n.d.).
mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/multimedia/functions-of-water-in-the-body/img-20005799 - Ganio MS, et al. (2011). Mild dehydration impairs cognitive performance and mood of men. DOI:
10.1017/S0007114511002005 - Judelson DA, et al. (2007). Hydration and muscular performance [Abstract].
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17887814 - Manz F, et al. (2005). The importance of good hydration for the prevention of chronic diseases [Abstract].