Coach Kirsten Larsen


January 13, 2022

Micro Daily Habits for Easy Weight Loss – EPISODE 11

If you’re on a journey to release any excess weight off your body and improve your overall health, you will notice that your mindset and lifestyle will need to change in order to make that happen. This doesn’t mean drastic lifestyle changes where you barely recognize your life, but little micro habits that gradually help you become a healthier person.

I love the concept of habit stacking. I believe it’s ultimately the best way to go towards adding new things into our lives. Overhauls are great to really reset and break old patterns, but if we do an overhaul without shifting our mindset, our habits, or our internal approach to how we see and experience ourselves, then most people usually just go back to old patterns afterwards. That’s why I love just adding in small habits little by little into our daily lives.

“If you veer off course by 1 degree flying around the equator, you’ll land almost 500 miles off target!”

Start Your Day With a Healthy Mindset

A simple daily habit you can use to create healthy routines in your day is by starting your day with a healthy mindset. Do this by finding things to add to your morning routine that will benefit you in the long run.

When you start your day by completing tasks for your physical and mentally healthy, out end to carry that with you throughout the day. Depending on your preferences, this might mean going for a walk or doing yoga in the morning, drinking lemon water before your coffee, or making a healthy breakfast. Writing in your journal about your gratitude and goals for the day can also put you in the right mindset.

Put on Your Workout Clothes ASAP

You may not realize the impact something as small as this is, but trust me, when you start your day in your workout clothes, you are much more likely to get a workout in. Even if you don’t plan to do your workout for a few hours, you will already be ready, and more likely to follow through.

If you work outside the home and exercise in the evenings, you can still prepare by putting your workout clothes in your gym bag and keeping it in your car, or making a smoothie and keeping it in the fridge. These small tasks change your mindset about healthy habits, and make it a little easier to follow through.

Journal Your Goals Every Morning

You may not be a big fan of journaling, but don’t worry. This doesn’t require writing pages a day. Just write down your goals for the day every morning, similar to making a to-do list. They can be very simple goals or habits, like walking on your lunch break, bringing salad to work, drinking at least 8 glasses of water, really anything that will get you closer to your goals.

Join our 7-Day Mindful Habits Reset Challenge on January 24th!



As a special bonus that will actually benefit your morning:

You can also make a nighttime practice of celebrating all that went well during the day.

Imagine how you’ll feel going to bed and waking up after reflecting on what went WELL, rather than what you could have done better.

Hey, if you’re interested in growing in learning Intuitive Eating, download my Intuitive Eating workbook and learn to love yourself in the journey to health and wholeness.

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