Coach Kirsten Larsen


August 20, 2019

Living from a Place of Rest: 10 Things You Can Do Today

I used to think that “living from rest” meant that I was meant to take more naps, sleep longer, and spend plenty of time doing very little (reading or laying down). Sounds quite lovely doesn’t it? I know that I surely wouldn’t mind camping out on a lovely beach somewhere and just living at rest. Haha, can you imagine?

In this day and age, living from a place of rest is more and more important. But what exactly does that mean if not just stopping everything and resting? I’ve been thinking about this concept for many years as I’ve worked my way back from extreme adrenal fatigue and other health issues that arose out of overworking myself. Am I meant to take naps every day? Am I meant to lighten the load of my schedule? And take vacations every couple of weeks?

Two Little Words. One Big Difference.

As I explored these concepts regularly, I started to realize that the language is actually “living FROM rest” and not living AT rest. There is a very big difference between those two little words: from or at. For example, when I am at rest physically, I’ve found that I’m not always at rest mentally or emotionally. I’m sure you’ve experienced that too: you’re finally sitting down to rest and you find yourself thinking of all you have to do.

It can really take a focused effort to make the simple switch of living from rest, instead of trying to find time to be at rest. Ironically, you can be far more productive while living from rest. Even though it can sound like it’s a state of not doing, it’s actually a state of being. Let’s say that again: rest is not a state of doing, it is a state of being. We are human beings, not human doings. This is HUGE! If we can get this deep into our souls, it will change the way we do life.

Simple Steps to Walk in Greater Rest

Learning to live from rest takes time and practice. It takes intentionality. In a world where everyone is rushing from thing to thing, it’s a game-changer to live from an internal place of peace and stillness.

Here are a few ways I’ve found that really help me to enter into a place of internal rest:

  1. Get quality sleep.
    Try to get around 7-9 hours each night. Here are some tips for getting better sleep.
  2. Taking a moment to get quiet.
    Even 10 seconds can shift your day, but shoot for 5-30 minutes once or twice a day to set stillness inside.
  3. Eating well can really help shift your physical body’s ability to rest.
    Try an apple before that pizza and watch your body love you more. Add a little more fruits & veggies can help the chemistry in your body to heal.
  4. Drink enough water.
    Oftentimes, we can actually have anxiety or fatigue from a lack of water. Try carrying a water bottle with you.
  5. Thinking positively about your past, present and future.
    Having a positive outlook can change an entire situation. Practice simply shifting the way you look at things. What is something good you can find?
  6. Have an attitude of Gratitude.
    While this sounds similar to #5, thankfullness deserves its own category. This powerful tool can shift the most stressful situations.
  7. Affirmations & declarations.
    Watch how your body responds to how you speak by just declaring a powerful truth, an affirmation, or a prayer.
  8. Journaling & free-writing.
    Try just 10-30 minutes in the morning or as you wind down at the end of the day.
  9. Finding time to laugh.
    Joy is a powerful medicine! Watch something funny, hang out with friends, or just start your own laughing party.
  10. Take some simple breaths and pay attention to your breathing.
    The simple power of slowing down your breathing can really boost your energy, focus, and ability to operate from rest.

Some of these are very obvious, but I have found that it can truly shift the dedication to these things if we know the “why” behind doing them. For example, it’s easy to stay up late and lose sleep if we don’t have a solid why behind it.

Did you know that a lack of sleep can not only cause weight gain and anxiety, but also limit your ability to make quality decisions? That does not sound very restful to me. You see, it’s not just about getting more sleep, but it’s about how waking up rested can actually affect the way you live and think throughout the day. This simple habit starts the night before.

I’ll be writing more on these throughout the coming weeks, but I encourage you to pick just one from the list above and see how it can shift your whole day!

May today and this week be filled with an internal rest so deep that you’re able to end each day with energy and strength to spare!


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