How To Spot Burnout and Take Action Before It’s Too Late – Episode 30
I have personally experienced extreme burnout twice. You’d have thought I’d learn from the first time, but I definitely learned a LOT from the second time around. And since then, have helped others recover. I’ve spent the better part of the last 10 years studying the body, the nervous system, and resilience to stress in order to understand how this happens and how to both avoid it and heal from it.
Burnout is a very serious condition, and once you realize you are caught up in it, it can be difficult to bounce back. Trust me. It took me many years to fully recover from the second time around. That is why it is important to monitor yourself for signs of burnout and take action before it’s too late.
I hear this language fairly regularly from people, so I decided I’d do an episode talking about some of the signs of burnout and what you can begin to do if you’re seeing them.
Tune on in!