Coach Kirsten Larsen


Lifestyle Adjustments

How To Spot Burnout and Take Action Before It’s Too Late – Episode 30

I have personally experienced extreme burnout twice. You’d have thought I’d learn from the first time, but I definitely learned a LOT from the second time around. And since then, have helped others recover. I’ve spent the better part of the last 10 years studying the body, the nervous system, […]

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6 Small Changes to Have More Energy & Mental Clarity—Episode 29

When you’re feeling fatigued, sometimes you don’t have the energy or willpower to make big overhaul changes. Sometimes you simply need little things that done over time can really create an impact. I know the journey very well.  While there are some key overhaul changes that can be made when […]

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How Your Thoughts Impact Your Actions – EPISODE 14

Have you attempted to start dieting, working out, or shifting another habit numerous times only to never be successful? Or maybe you’ve wanted to try that new hobby and you just can’t seem to convince yourself to get off the couch to do so. Even though you think it may […]

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