Coach Kirsten Larsen


January 3, 2024

Why I Do a Morning Routine and Why It’s So Important For Our Health – Episode 32

Perhaps you’ve heard about the idea of having a morning routine. But if you’re anything like myself, or the people I work with, when you’re extremely fatigued or dealing with stress and other health issues, putting “one more thing” onto your plate might feel, well … exhausting … I get it! I’ve been there.

But I’ll also say that putting an energizing morning rhythm into my life was one of the best things I did for myself. That and an evening wind down rhythm.

It’s not just for high performers to include a morning routine. It’s for everyone. But it’s ESPECIALLY powerful if you’ve noticed your nervous system has been shot, slow to respond, or you’re constantly battling fatigue, and feeling worn out.

I wanted to give a fresh perspective on how to create a rhythm that fits YOU and how to engage with it from an empowering and energizing way.

These are tools that can really help you bounce back, become resilient, and really thrive.

I actually don’t like routines, believe it or not. I’d rather sit on an island and have life “happen”. However, I’d also be the first to say how extremely valuable my morning routine has been to gaining more energy, experiencing more breakthroughs, and. 

Whether it’s a routine around your bedtime, waking up, creating a healthy eating habit, a spiritual discipline, or starting up your workday, they can be so powerful in not only helping you know what to do, but actually causing you to be successful and reducing stress.

Routines are just that powerful. You see, when we have to think about every little move we make, our brains get exhausted and we either tire or choose not to engage with a potentially life-changing habit. 

Why getting up early can be easier than you think

You’ll hear many people use the phrase, “Oh, I’m just not a morning person” or those rare birds who actually confess that they are “early birds”. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s really that anyone can become a morning person. 

Why is the morning so important though? 

  • Starts your day right
  • Gets you into a healthy mindset
  • You have to get to bed early (resets your circadian rhythm)
  • Allows you to get a full night of sleep (helps your body heal and even lose weight)
  • Sets you up for success when you can accomplish a powerful morning, you actually feel more powerful for the rest of your day.


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Simple steps for transforming your morning … and thus transforming your day …

If you’d like a helpful guide at setting up your healing Morning & Evening routine, you can download that here: 

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