Coach Kirsten Larsen


December 31, 2019

Closing Out 2019 and Ringing in the New Decade! A Personal Reflection

As 2019 wraps up, and I reflect on what’s ahead for 2020, I find myself looking back on this last year and really the past several years. I’ve realized just how much life can whiz by and how important it is to be intentional about slowing down and being mindful and present in each moment. My focus usually tends to be very forward-thinking, but I’m consistently reminded of the rich value that occurs in reflecting back at what’s taken place.

In looking back, you get the opportunity to see areas of improvement and celebrate the areas of success. The more I do this and encourage others to do this, I see how powerfully it sets us up for breakthroughs ahead.

It’s been a long journey. I’ve experienced great lows and great highs. The last few years I’ve learned so much about how in the low moments so much is learned, so much growth occurs. I wouldn’t wish those low moments on anyone, but boy do we all have them. And we can either choose to despise them or choose to embrace them.

The saying, “Never despise the day of small beginnings” can really be said of almost anything. When I had to “reboot” my health 7 years ago, I couldn’t walk around the block without being winded. I could only work for about 2-5 hours a week. A week! I could hardly think. I’d teach one class and be done. I’d do one project and be done. One outing and done.

Gratefulness can’t even describe the overwhelm I have in being able to now bring breakthrough to others. But more than anything I am just thankful. I’m thankful for the journey. So often we all want the immediate breakthrough, the immediate fix, anything to just get us out of any pain or struggle we’re in. I know I longed for that so many times. In the end I’m very grateful for both the quick releases AND the journey, the whole process. There’s SO much to be gained in the waiting, in the learning, and in the growth while getting to know ourselves.

I’m no longer trying to get somewhere quickly. I’m growing, I’m learning, practicing thankfulness daily, and most importantly enjoying all that I learn and receive along the journey.

Declaring Breakthrough Over Your 2020

All that said, I do believe 2020 is going to be a year of breakthrough for many of us. I keep getting that sense that good things are coming. So I am declaring that over you as I write this. As you read it, see yourself breaking through to the other side.

It is a delicate balance—like a ballroom dance—balancing improvement with a present-moment gratefulness of the places you’ve been and currently are. Balancing peace & contentment with the joy and excitement for new things ahead.

One way that I “keep the balance” is to keep a “Gratitude & Breakthrough” journal. I keep moments that I have personal breakthroughs, testimonies, prayer requests, and things that I’m grateful for. It’s not my daily writing journal. This one is a stand alone for reference. I recommend this to everyone I coach and teach. It’s so powerful to rewire your brain—to train your brain—to look for positive things and to learn to celebrate breakthroughs. It’s also extremely motivating to look back if you ever have a hard day to remember there are good things happening in your life.

Coaches have long recommended keeping a training journal. I like to think of this as a life training journal where you keep record of your progress in life. We don’t often recognize that we’ve had any transformation or breakthrough until we can look back. For example, it’s really hard to tell you’ve lost weight, gained strength, or improved if you haven’t kept record of it. The same is true of life! What if you had record of all your victories?

Today as I look back over the years, I’m incredibly grateful to God for so many of those victories. If I wrote them all out, it could fill a book! It’s definitely encouraging as I think about dreaming for the future. If I’ve had a breakthrough in the past, what’s to stop even more from happening in the future?

What about you? I’d love to hear some of your victories and some of your dreams for your future. Shoot me an email!

And I encourage us both: Let’s definitely dream ahead for 2020, but in that same vein, let’s also keep on reviewing and celebrating our breakthroughs this year. Let’s fill a journal’s worth and more!

This year, I’m excited to wrap up 2 books I’ve been working on for the last few years and some online training coming out too! So be on the lookout for more resources to help us be the healthiest, most alive and abundant that we can be.

Blessing your entry to 2020 to be filled with hope, joy, and abundant life!


– Kirsten

PS — If you’re interested in breakthroughs in your health & well-being, I’m opening up more space for a few 1-1 health coaching time. In these times, we look at your personal goals and review nutrition, exercise, lifestyle, stress, habits, mindset, and balance. We’ll work through obstacles to create a sustainable plan that works with your lifestyle and health needs. Sign up for a free consultation here!

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