Coach Kirsten Larsen


November 4, 2021

Effective Tips for Restoring Energy and Reducing Fatigue-EPISODE 6

Fatigue is something that all of us experience. It’s only natural for us to feel fatigued if we experience something that is physically, mentally, and emotionally stressful. The body’s response to stress is to release hormones (cortisol) that help us deal with stress. These hormones can give us extra speed and strength, which make it feel temporarily enjoyable at times. In some cases, it can also make us impervious (unaffected) to pain.

However, if we subject our body to excessive stress, our adrenal glands become affected, which will eventually slow down the production of hormones. When our adrenal glands slow down in the production of hormones, then our body and mind will be unable to deal with stress effectively.

According to Mayo Clinic:

​​Cortisol, the primary stress hormone, increases sugars (glucose) in the bloodstream, enhances your brain’s use of glucose and increases the availability of substances that repair tissues. Cortisol also curbs functions that would be nonessential or harmful in a fight-or-flight situation.

This is why it is important for you to know how to deal with adrenal fatigue. If not, you will find that adrenal fatigue can really have a negative effect on your personal, social, and professional life.

With adrenal fatigue, you will constantly feel excessively tired and you will be unable to concentrate on just about anything. You will always want to sleep and your mind will always be foggy.

If you suffer from adrenal fatigue, even sleeping will not get your energy levels up. In fact, people with this condition feels that they need to sleep more even after they wake up in the morning. They feel that they didn’t even sleep at all.

Causes of Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue can be caused by several factors. It can be caused by anemia, depression, stress, obesity, eating disorders, and it can also be caused by low blood pressure and infection just to name a few.

As you can see, there are so many reasons why we experience adrenal fatigue. So, the obvious way for you to treat adrenal fatigue and restore your energy levels is by changing your lifestyle for the better.

You need to see the fact that an unhealthy lifestyle is normally the cause of adrenal fatigue. Most people who suffer from adrenal fatigue are people who don’t get enough sleep, don’t exercise, and don’t eat the right foods.

A lot of people today are now suffering from a condition called adrenal fatigue. This is a stress-related condition that can have a serious effect on your overall well-being. If you suffer from adrenal fatigue, then there is a great chance that you will suffer from other health problems.

For starters, you need to remember that adrenal fatigue is basically the inability of the body or the adrenal glands to produce adequate amounts of hormones that is essential for us to deal with stress.

So, just what are some ways on how to recover from excessive fatigue and increase my energy?

Tune on in to find out!

These are some easy ways to recover from excess fatigue, brain fog, and reduce stress. By remembering these tips, you can be sure that you will be able to have a healthier body and mind and also get your life back on track.

Remember these tips and you will be able to restore your energy levels and prevent adrenal fatigue from taking control of your life. Through these tips, you will be able to reduce fatigue, increase your energy and thrive in your life.


  • I am full of energy and vitality.
  • I begin each day with a stretch and a smile. I have so much energy, I feel as if I might burst! I am blessed with a high level of energy and vitality. I use these to my advantage each day.
  • I feel like I have an endless source of energy. This comes from several sources. I sleep well each night. My evenings are peaceful and restful. I get the sleep I require to wake up ready to take on the day.
  • My diet supports my energy requirements and increases my vitality. I know which foods work best in my body. I eat these foods on a regular basis and reject the foods that sap my energy and vitality. I eat in a manner that best supports my health.
  • Daily exercise is another way I keep myself in a healthy state. I get enough exercise each day to maintain my energy levels.
  • Finally, my attitude about life is my secret to energy and health. I expect good things to happen each day and avoid worrying about those things outside my control. My attitude ensures that I have enough energy to make it successfully through each day.
  • Today, am using my energy to my advantage. I feel better than ever and feel prepared to meet any challenge with gusto. I am full of energy and vitality.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Am I getting sufficient sleep to be at my best? If not, how can I change that?
  2. Am I satisfied with my energy levels? What can I do to increase them?
  3. What is my greatest health challenge and what can I do to address it?


Further Resources:

Free 3-Part Training on beating cravings: Head on over to here and watch Part 1!

The Secret of Teaching Yourself to Crave Healthy Foods – Recent article

1:1 Coaching Program – Sign up for a FREE Discovery Call to discuss where you’re currently at, what your goals are, and to see if we are a good fit to work together. Click here to get started.

The Fatigue Solution Ebook – If you’d like to go deeper & break free from cravings and sugar, download my FREE Ebook, “The Fatigue Solution” below:
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