Coach Kirsten Larsen


March 11, 2017

My 5K Victory Race of Triumph and Healing!


Did it!  Another one bites the dust. BUT, this one is SO different for me. Five years ago I ran this same race, not knowing what a difficult turn my life would take just shortly after.

After that original race in March 2012, running would become hard — SO hard that only six short months later, I could barely walk the next 5K I had planned to run. Even moving would become hard. Just about every part of life would become a challenge like never before.  My body shut down, I gained weight, my back went out, my thyroid went haywire, my gut went into turmoil, and I couldn’t even think or do simple things in life. I went from very happy and joyful to crying and irritable without any particular reason that I knew of at the time. I started needing help for everything I did, even picking out my clothes was difficult (and I’m an artist! I loved to be creative with clothing!).  Getting showered, dressed, and ready for the day began to feel like an impossible mountain to climb.  Almost anything I did required assistance. It was SO frustrating.

This race today was not a competition. The goal was not speed or even just something fun to do with others. It was a statement. It was a celebration. It was redemption.

So many times these past three years, on my journey back to health, I wasn’t sure that I was going to make it out OK. I felt as though nothing could change. I tried to keep hope alive. But, I couldn’t on my own. Thankfully, I ended up finding it in my community. We all need hope. But, sometimes you just need someone to remind you that you are going to make it and point you in the right direction. My journey would not have been successful without the friends and family who’ve supported me along the way. So, thank you to everyone who helped me get to this momentous day! You know who you are. I am so grateful 😊💛


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