Coach Kirsten Larsen


December 4, 2019

10 Ways to Get More Fruits & Vegetables (Reduce Cravings, Increase Energy, and Lose Weight)

I’ve had a few times in my life where I’ve had to really focus deeply on getting healthy. Each time, it’s been very clear that health is well-rounded, as I mention almost every time I write. We are whole people and focusing on only one area, will not do the full trick. But when we do focus on each area, other areas will also see improvement. Each time I’ve taken a dedicated time to reset, focus on my health and well-being, one primary area that comes up is what we eat. Food is one of those areas that tend to improve each and every area: when you have clean fuel and proper nutrients coming into your body, you will naturally think clearer, lose weight, have more energy, be more productive, have a more positive outlook on life, majorly reduce cravings and so much more. 

“Make sure you eat your fruits and veggies.” Haven’t we heard this most of our lives? It almost seems as if this is the most dreaded health advice for everyone seeking help. “Can’t there be another way?” There are definitely many ways to help increase your energy, strengthen your health, and bring a healthy boost to your system. But at the end of the day, our bodies are like cars. They need certain types of fuel to run well.

Plants are one of our bodies best source of fuel (jam-packed with much-needed nutrients). Most of us are pretty aware that the Standard American Diet (which ironically spells out SAD as an acronym) does not contain nearly enough fruits and veggies. In fact, on the SAD diet, one can go through an entire day without ever having a single fruit or vegetable. It makes sense that we’re the most sick and diseased that we’ve ever been despite some of the most incredible breakthroughs in medical history.

There is hope! 

No matter where you’re at, you’re likely deficient, which is actually good news. The good news is that as you increase your intake of healthy, whole foods, your body will release toxins and heal itself. That means that if you’re feeling run down, experiencing weight gain, disease, brain fog, or any other numerous health issues, a simple increase in fruits & veggies will boost your energy, help stabilize your weight, reduce cravings, bring clarity of thought, and even heal your gut and immune system.

You can start slowly. Big overhauls are great if you have the time, energy, determination, but can often lead to burn out if not done well. Take it easy. Take steps.

Try out these 10 ways to increase your nutrients:

1. Have a large smoothie

Load up with greens, blend. Then add in some frozen or fresh fruit. With one well-made smoothie, you can easily have 4 servings of fruits (2) and veggies (2) in a delicious health-boosting, energy-reviving, weight-loss powered drink.

2. Have a large salad with ingredients you enjoy

If salad is boring to you, then write out all the veggies & fruits you do like and start mixing ingredients. Salads can be delicious if done well. Getting the right blend of ingredients can really help. Get creative. Search online. Find recipes and try them out, but don’t be limited to them. If you find a mixture you like, stick with it awhile before moving on.

3. Have a fruit or veggie before a meal

Craving pizza? That’s okay. Just have an apple beforehand. You’ll find you’ll naturally eat less, but that apple will slow down the digestion of the pizza and also increase the nutritional value! Bonus. Want a piece of cake?

4. Increase your water intake.

This might not be fruit/veggie related from the outside, but the more water you take in, the less of the other foods you’ll crave and the more fruits & veggies you will actually crave. The healthier your body gets, the healthier foods it’ll want. We’re severely dehydrated and when we’re dehydrated we’re tired. When we’re tired, we crave foods that aren’t good for us because we need a quick fix. We’re generally not thinking as clearly when we’re tired.

5. Breakfast ideas

Smoothie, Overnight oats mixed with fruits, Veggie scramble (tofu or eggs if you eat them), bowl of fruit & nuts, grab a banana split it in half and add some nut butter. Really into your milk & cereal? That’s fine, just add some fruit to it. Top with fresh blueberries or strawberries for amazing antioxidants and an immunity boost. Slice up some bananas and place on toast, cereal, oatmeal, or granola.

6. Lunch ideas

A very large salad (if this is going to be your meal, know that you’ll need to eat a massive bowl of salad. You’ll get full quicker, but you’ll also need more to make it last. Bonus is that you’ll increase your energy and not come back from lunch with a food coma). Into sandwiches? Add some dark leafy greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, sprouts, avocado, salsa, shredded carrots, or some sauerkraut for a gut-boost. You can also put any or all of those ingredients into a wrap with some guacamole, salsa or hummus. I love the coconut wraps! Or just add some fruit to the side of whatever you’re having: grapes (make a great cleansing of the palette & sweet burst), an apple, an orange, a handful of strawberries, watermelon, etc.

7. Dinner ideas

Again, having a salad can be your full meal, or the starter to your meal. There’s a reason why we typically have salads at the beginning of our meals though: when you eat things with fiber & nutrients (fruits & veggies) before your meal, the fiber begins to prep the gut and slows down the digestion of the rest of the incoming foods. Therefore, you’ll naturally eat less, but you’ll also boost the nutritional value of the food you do eat. So, have a simple salad or set of raw veggies prior to eating. Bowls are fabulous ways of getting in tons of veggies and mixing up the cuisine: Mexican bowl, Asian stir fry, Buddha bowl, curry bowl, bbq bowl, etc. Add a base of cauliflower rice & you’ll get the extra added bonus of it being gluten free, a veggie, and highly nutritious! You can also have it on top of quinoa which is a protein & nutritional powerhouse as well.

8. Dessert ideas

Wait? Isn’t dessert bad for you?? It doesn’t have to be. You can blend up some frozen bananas with any flavor to make some healthy ice cream. Try just a simple bowl of cold fruit (add in a dash of honey or cinnamon for an extra delish dish). During the summer, I love having frozen grapes! Dates make an incredible sweetener and sticky base for almost anything. I love this book by Nathalie Lussier that contains 30 raw gluten free desserts! They are all wonderful. You can now have your cake and eat it too!

9. Snacks

Keep fresh fruits and veggies in the house, especially ones that are easy to grab like apples, oranges, carrots, grapes, etc. When you get hungry, you’ll grab for whatever is available. If you don’t have anything healthy on-hand, you likely will not go out of your way to get something.

10. Keep it Simple Silly

Remember the acronym KISS. Don’t make things complicated or you won’t want to maintain it. Stick with simple things that you know you’ll eat and that you feel comfortable with. Expand once you’ve mastered it. Try starting with fruit at breakfast. Start with your first meal to start your day on track. It’ll help you feel better and make better choices in the day. Once you’re pretty comfortable with breakfasts, move on to finding ways to increase veggies at lunch. Remember to give yourself grace. You’re not looking for perfection. You’re simply looking for steps. Take baby steps. Celebrate each time you succeed.


Be Encouraged by Success Stories

I always want to share these amazing stories about the healing power of plants. There are just SO many (including my own of course). The plant-based lifestyle is not a “fad” diet. It is a powerful, healing, and incredible gift that won’t be going away because fruits and veggies are a staple full of macro and micro nutrients, fiber, water, and so much more.

So instead of sharing one-by-one, I thought I’d share a whole list of them so you can choose. These are filled with stories of people being healed of obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, etc and even increasing their athletic abilities.

I realize most people don’t want to give up meat and dairy. Don’t worry about that. I’d love to encourage you focus on ADDing in MORE fruits & veggies into your day.

Again, adding in fruits & veggies increases your body’s ability to heal, be healthy, and be strong.

As the quote goes:

“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants”

#PlantsHeal #LiveYourBestLife #HealthyLiving

– Kirsten


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