Coach Kirsten Larsen


About Coach K - Kirsten Larsen

Hi there! My name’s Kirsten “Coach K” Larsen and I’ve been on quite the journey to get to where I am today. As the Chinese proverbs says: “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

I truly experienced this step-by-step on a lengthy healing journey that brought me to coaching. I didn’t just step into coaching because I love health, fitness, healing, or anything of the sort. I became a coach because I had to learn every single step that I teach others today. Whatever I teach, I have myself tried and walked through in order to find the breakthrough that leads to wholeness and thriving.

I have struggled with some pretty debilitating health issues (Fibromyalgia, Adrenal Fatigue, low thyroid, gut issues, overwhelm, burnout, depression, adrenal fatigue, brain fog, weight gain, thyroid, injuries, PTSD, and more!).  I found that a holistic approach to health and wellness gave me a life and a freedom I never thought I would have. So it became my passion to help others do the same.

In college I was working so hard. In fact, I was over-worked. Eventually my body simply crashed. I couldn’t think. My mind wouldn’t process. I could barely move. Fortunately, I was able to heal myself through some new approaches to nutrition, training and some deep emotional work. Then, 10 years later I unexpectedly fell back into burnout. I was working a job in ministry in which I invested so much energy into the lives of the people I was helping. Again, my body shut down. I couldn’t even walk around the block. This required me to pivot my nutrition and training again to find a new solution that would allow my body to heal.

I’ve discovered that it’s incredible how well our bodies are meant to heal and recover when given the right fuel and we have a restful environment around us 🙂

Now, I love getting to do a super challenging physical adventure and then experiencing my body (and mind) recovering and bouncing back quickly.

At first, as with many others, I thought of all I had to “give up” to “be healthy” and now that would never cross my mind! Think of all we gain! 🙂

What makes me different is my passion for bringing the whole picture into play when coaching. As I discovered with my own life, and those I have worked with, rarely is one issue isolated. A running injury might be related to the food we eat, the thoughts we think, or a stressful lifestyle. Similarly, anxiety might be related to a nutritional deficiency or healed through some practical steps such as using EFT and breathwork.

My passion is to help you think about your health with the perspective of using your health to thrive in life.

Finding the path to health

Nobody wants to be sick, tired, or overwhelmed. Nobody wants to put their lives at risk from chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol and all those other troubles we get from stressful living. So, we look for quick fixes to get us back to health —even if it’s temporary.
We buy pills, powders, and potions that promise to fix us right up. We go to doctors to treat our anxiety, depression, insomnia, lack of energy… and we get frustrated when none of them turn out to be long-term solutions. We follow the latest fad diets that promise to shed the pounds, but the pounds never stay off for long.
Wouldn’t it be great to discover the true path to health, the one that leads us to genuine wellness and boundless energy and vitality?

Give Yourself the Gift of Health & Thriving

Mahatma Gandhi said: “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” This has never been more true than today, when it feels like everything is centered around chasing after those gold and silver pieces and finding ways to spend them.

Stress and poor health seem to go together with busy living —but they’re an unhealthy combination. We reach for quick solutions, as-seen-on-TV products that promise the world, and pills and potions that claim to be miracle cures. Most of us have a chronic dependence on caffeine, sugar, and other pick-me-ups to get us through the day, but we just collapse, exhausted, at the end of the day, hoping to get enough rest so we can do it all again tomorrow. It’s a very vicious cycle.

It’s not just about having a good bill of health. This is about being able to wake up every day feeling energized, vital, and alive, so you can put attention toward everything that is important to you.

Interested in getting your breakthrough?
Sign up for your FREE Discovery Session today!

My Certifications & Training

My Training

  • Holistic Health Coach: Institute for Integrative Nutrition
  • Nutrition Coach: Precision Nutrition, Level 1 Exercise Nutrition
  • Functional Breathing Coach: Oxygen Advantage
  • Clinical EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practitioner: EFT Universe and EFT International
  • Clinical Certification for Stress, Anxiety, and Self-Regulation: HeartMath. 
  • Stress, Sleep and Recovery Coach: Precision Nutrition. 
  • Plant-Based Nutrition coach: eCornell University
  • Moving Medicine Forward: Dr. Klaper, PlantPure Communities
  • Level 2 Running Coach: RRCA
  • Corrective Exercise Specialist: National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)
  • Certified Personal Trainer: NASM
  • Tapping Out of Trauma: Tapping Out of Trauma 1
  • Masters in Teaching: Chapman University

Other trainings:

  • Building Resilience to Trauma
  • Somatic therapies for healing trauma 
  • Inner Healing, Sozo basic and advanced instructor


Stress Resilience

Emotional Healing & Body Freedom

EFT Universe Certified

Holistic Health & Nutrition Coaching

Movement Coach